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5 Ways Fleet Management can save money for your business

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The world is currently engaged in one of the most challenging battles of modern times. It’s a challenge that affects our everyday life, and our businesses. Now, more than ever, the need to streamline efficiencies and reduce unnecessary costs is profound.

For companies that employ a large fleet of vehicles, one of the best ways to reduce costs is to implement modern fleet management solutions. These solutions are based on telematics technology and allow you to keep a virtual eye on your vehicles remotely by sending, receiving and storing information about them through telecommunication devices.

Fleet management is a core offering in Retriever’s business, and has been proven to be a considerable benefit to our customers.


Reduce your insurance premiums

While insurance policies are critical for both businesses and individuals, they are also a source of extra cost – especially when you have numerous vehicles that need cover.  Luckily, Retriever’s fleet management enables you to lower premiums, as vehicle insurance companies will reward customers who lower the risk attached to their vehicle. And when it comes to installing a tracking device, these companies will recognise both a lower security risk and a decreased chance of accidents, so you’re most likely to receive a considerably reduced premium.

Stop the speedsters

The way your drivers perform on the road is a crucial factor in determining whether your business saves costs or not. Superior and intelligent fleet management solutions, such as those available from Retriever, will ultimately reduce costs and add positively to your business’s bottom line. Through 24-hour monitoring, analytics and specialised reports, you can identify adverse driving behaviour such as idling, speeding, harsh braking and turning and revving. You can then take action to improve this behaviour.

Less maintenance required

Intelligent fleet management lets you keep better track of vehicle breakdowns and service scheduling, which means you can save money by being pre-emptive in the maintenance of your vehicles. Retriever lets you view what’s happening exactly inside every vehicle in your fleet by directly integrating your vehicle’s CAN bus system.

Get your drivers on the right track

Making sure that your drivers travel on the correct routes could prove to be a major financial boost to your business; routes with traffic and/or poor-quality roads will significantly increase costs.  Retriever’ telematics solutions empowers your drivers to take better routes by analysing current routes they take and the average time your fleet spends in traffic. This action leads to more money in your company’s back pocket.

More fuel, less problems

Intelligent fleet management solutions let you save every bit of precious fuel in your vehicle’s tanks. Through means such as Retriever’s fuel reports, you can identify possible ways that fuel is being wasted or stolen and plus these holes in your operation.

Retriever leads the way

With a mountain of experience and expertise, Retriever is well placed to offer you superior fleet management solutions that will put you in control of your fleet and help you save money. Contact us today to enjoy world-class benefits for your fleet.

5 Ways Fleet Management Can Save Money for Your Business The world is currently engaged in one of the most challenging battles of modern times. It’s