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In the blink of an eye, a single case of driving under the influence can cost your business hundreds of thousands in significant legal and financial losses and shatter your driver’s personal life.
That’s the sobering reality of not mitigating drunk driving issues in your fleet. It’s not all doom and gloom, though, thanks to advanced breathalyser interlock fleet technology.
Let’s take a look at how this invaluable device can help you easily enforce safer and sober driving in your business
‘Breathalyser testing’ involves using a diagnostic device to estimate a person's blood alcohol concentration level from their breath.
According to the National Institute of Health, two types of breathalyser tests can typically be conducted on motorists: preliminary alcohol screening (PAS) or evidential breath tests (EBTs). PAS tests are smaller, portable devices typically used by law enforcement officers to test motorists for drunk driving. EBTs are more reliable devices law enforcement uses to test breath samples at the police station.
To combat drunk driving and reduce the risk of road accidents, many countries have also implemented alcohol ignition interlock devices for commercial fleets and DUI offender programs. Alcohol ignition interlock devices prevent drivers from starting or driving their vehicles while under the influence of alcohol.
Breathalyser testing using these devices helps businesses ensure that employees do not drive, or operate heavy machinery while under the influence of alcohol.
In South Africa, employers cannot rely solely on breathalyser test results to determine if an employee is under the influence of alcohol. While breathalyser tests can be a helpful tool, they must be accompanied by additional evidence, such as blood tests.
However, employees can be prohibited from resuming their duties when they get a positive result that is above the legal or preset limit by the business. This means that even if the employee is not visibly under the influence, or claims not to be under the influence of any alcohol, you can prevent them from continuing work as usual and ensure their safety.
Implementing stricter policies about driving under the influence and positive results from alcohol testing is something really worth considering. According to Arrive Alive, companies with strict policies prohibiting the consumption of alcohol before and during working hours are more successful at prioritising health and safety in the workplace.
By implementing robust policies promoting responsible driving habits, and investing in solutions like alcohol ignition interlock devices for breathalyser testing, you can create a safer environment for your employees, the community, and your business. Ultimately, the cost of inaction is far greater than the cost of prevention.
Here are some benefits of implementing breathalyser testing in your business:
Businesses can combat DUI issues with their drivers and prioritise driver and fleet safety with Cartrack's Alcohol Breathalysers. Our breathalysers use cutting-edge technology that interlocks with your vehicle’s ignition. Should the driver get a positive breath alcohol concentration (BrAC) result that is above the legal or preset limit (i.e. they fail the breathalyser test) the vehicle can be prevented from starting.
Here’s how it works:
Cartrack's Alcohol Breathalysers are CAN-Bus enabled. This reduces installation time and enhances the system’s capability. The breathalysers seamlessly integrate with Cartrack’s fleet management system.
All the features are programmable to meet your fleet business challenges and can also consider the legal and judiciary requirements.
Businesses can take other measures to ensure there is no tampering with the breathalysers or attempts to bypass the system. For example, Cartrack AI SmartCabin Cameras are driver-facing and use AI facial recognition to detect the position or orientation of the driver’s head and eyes.
These cameras are designed to detect distracted driving gestures like mobile phone use, smoking, or signs of driver fatigue such as yawning, which could potentially cause accidents. Fleet managers can also use these cameras to see whether the driver is intoxicated, or if they have attempted to use someone else to do the breathalyser test for them.
In addition, for mobile workers, such as delivery drivers and field service workers, fleet managers can set up breathalyser testing as a pre-trip inspection to ensure drivers are safe on the road. Since fleet managers can't watch their drivers every move, they can set up a pre-trip checklist to ensure drivers do the breathalyser test every time and they can verify this with reports from the fleet management software.
While breathalyser testing may require an initial investment in devices, training, and implementation, the long-term benefits far outweigh the initial costs.
Cartrack's alcohol breathalyser is a cost-effective solution, that delivers immediate benefits today and helps you mitigate any drunk driving risks in the long run.
Here are a few rewards your fleet and drivers can reap from using Cartrack’s breathalyser technology:
Introducing alcohol breathalyser testing can be a delicate subject. Drivers and employees often feel targeted by managers or businesses when things go wrong. One of the ways you can build the relationship between managers and drivers is to create a supportive and helpful environment. Instead of aiming to punish and dismiss employees who fail an alcohol breathalyser test, you can see it as an opportunity to treat alcohol abuse and alcoholism with the utmost sensitivity.
Drivers can experience a sense of confidence and trust in managers that test results will be treated confidentially. They can also trust that fleet managers are there to help them if they are struggling with alcohol use. Doing this is a positive step towards improving employee well-being and morale.
For example, imagine that one of your top-performing drivers fails an alcohol breathalyser test and cannot resume their work for the day. Instead of immediately dismissing or disciplining them, you could assist them in getting professional help, saving your business the time and money to replace highly skilled employees.
Here are other changes you can make to promote your driver’s well-being:
Ready to implement breathalyser testing that looks out for your drivers and business?
Implementing breathalyser testing for your drivers and employees is a strategic way to enhance safety, reduce liability, and foster a responsible work environment.
Cartrack Kenya can get you started with alcohol interlock breathalyser technology. Contact us for a demo and more information.